dll file (atmosphere.dll), because when I simply let it scan the vst plugin folder it missed the file, and I tried that approach several times. BUT, I had to use the feature on JBridge to select the single. When installing Atmosphere, indeed JBridge works great. Atmosphere is much faster and has a great collection of factory patches. Plus, Omnisphere is a huge memory hog, and even with my 16 GB of RAM loading patches takes forever. I have searched and searched for the theremin and Moog patches I loved in Atmosphere, and they are nowhere to be found in Omnisphere. First of all, it simply does not contain all the Atmosphere patches.
I know some seem to think Omnisphere is just an improved version of Atmosphere, but to many it is not. I hesitated a bit to post this because there are two typical responses to the question “How do I get Cubase to recognize Atmosphere?” The first response is “Use JBridge” and the second is “Use Omnisphere - it has Atmosphere in it.”īut I feel I should post about it because there are some special considerations to installing Atmosphere using JBridge, and the second assertion is just wrong.